Serfy—7 Changes to Improve Pest Control Management for Clients and Service Providers


You solve one of the oldest problems on earth and now you can use modern technology to make even more people smile.


When you’re in the pest control business you help a lot of people every day but that doesn’t mean they’re always happy to see you:

  • The idea of pests on site or in a home already puts people in bad moods
  • You need to match your visits to openings on clients’ schedules and make sure you don’t upset their plans
  • You need to be 100% successful if you’d like them to hire you again in future
  • No one likes spending money on something like a pest
  • Your clients may not trust your team members and badger you for feedback all the time
  • They always want it done sooner rather than later and will find someone else to help if you can’t assist in line with their expectations

So your mission is to deliver excellent service in many aspects to put your clients back in a good mood. And technology can help you achieve that goal. It’s called field service management software and it can help you solve a few problems you’re facing now.


Daily Scheduling Made Easy

Scheduling is one of the biggest challenges for any service provider. You have an ever changing calender that has to serve clients’ wishes and be realistic in terms of what your workers can deliver.


So let’s automate it instead of you doing manual tasks with paperwork overflowing your desk:

  • Your clients can submit tasks via Serfy and it can be allocated to workers’ profiles manually by a manager or automatically via the software.
  • Workers see all the work on their computers or mobile devices so they’re updated without anyone making a single phone call.
  • You can make changes as new work comes in.
  • You can pick the best team for a job in terms of skill, location and progress on a current job. You’ll know when they’ll be available thanks to real time updates on the system.

Does that sound less chaotic than your office is at the moment?


Manage a Company, Not a Crisis

You don’t have to settle for the lifestyle of constantly managing chaos and emergencies. Technology puts you back in control of your days instead of clients and problems manipulating you.


When technology automates work and helps you organize in seconds what usually took hours, you take on the role of manager instead of simply trying to prevent disasters from happening.


Get More Done With the Same Number of Workers

The benefit of harnessing technology’s power is that you don’t have to pay more people to get more work done. You make an investment in software and that will quickly pay for itself as you can reach more clients every day:

  • Workers make fewer trips to the office since communication happens online instead of in lengthy meetings
  • You can dispatch the nearest team for the next job so workers spend less time on the road. You know exactly where everyone is at a given moment so it’s easy to manage.
  • Updates are given online instead of workers wasting time on the phone with superiors.
  • Historical client information can be accessed online so workers can get to work quickly when they arrive.

Help Your Teams Be the Best They Can Be

Of course your team members may need your expertise from time to time. With less paperwork to do you’ll be able to respond to their requests but you won’t waste time trying to contact them on the phone:

  • They can leave updates and feedback on the platform.
  • You can respond with information as needed.

With technology it will be like being on each work site and your clients will love that you’re informed all the time.


Network Effortlessly

But what if you can’t handle all the new work coming in? That could mean you’ll ask others in your niche to help. You may also have to network with suppliers and other experts to deliver a customized service to certain clients depending on the pest problems that arise.


How do you keep tabs on all these role players who affect your business reputation?


The Serfy platform is versatile so you can add partners to the system and keep up with their activities in the same way you communicate with your team:

  • Allocate jobs to partners
  • Check their times of arrival or delivery dates
  • Communicate online instead of calling a meeting

You’ll love how easy it is and your partners will enjoy the streamlined process. They will want to work with you again in future and that promotes your brand.


Make Sure Your Clients Become Your Marketing Tool

The other party that you want to impress is your clientele of course.


It’s possibly the main reasons someone will trust you enough to employ you again: Updated information and punctuality.


The Serfy platform provides you with real time feedback on all jobs on your schedule. But don’t waste time describing the detail to your clients on the phone. Let them join in the conversation:

  • They can submit queries
  • Let them give feedback
  • Let them add job tickets to the system
  • Their complaints can be read and replied to
  • Supply them with updated timelines so they know when to expect your team’s arrival

When you allow clients to feel part of the process they will be in a much better mood. They don’t feel at the mercy of your preferences and schedules anymore. You empower them as much you empower yourself and then they’ll tell their friends about you.


The Modern Way of Handling Paperwork

Most of these activities usually create loads of paperwork. The Serfy platform can handle receipts, help you create templates and printing reports will be a thing of the past. Digitizing your processes works because:

  • It’s faster
  • Less chance of human error
  • More accuracy
  • It’s easier to track and store important paperwork such as certificates of work done

So will you join modern businesses in enjoying the benefits of using technology optimally? Your clients deserve it.

About the Author:


Povilas V. Dudonis is a serial entrepreneur and likes to dig deep into methods and processes of business operations to find ways to reach maximum performance